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EN - SpeechReport Client - Addressing


The address functionality offers the possibility to select contacts who will automatically receive the created document. Addressees can be selected based on the information SpeechReport receives via an external system. Furthermore, additional contacts can be added manually and managed in a department contact list.

Automatic import addressees

When a document is linked to a specific appointment, people involved such as the patient, the GP, referrer and next of kin, are listed as possible addressees. Please be aware that automatically linked information cannot be changed within the address functionality as it is populated by an external system.
Besides this linked information, the address functionality offers a contact list for manual selecting and adding contacts for addressee distribution. This contact list is based on a department and can therefore be used by all users from a department.

Screenshot below shows the right pane in SpeechReport where a new entry is added with ‘Addressees’.

By default, the addressees that are provided by the distribution will be shown and assigned as an addressee for the document. You can manually remove currently assigned addressees by simply clicking the which will be shown when hovering over the addressee.
When hovering over the addressee, additional information available will be shown in a new window.

The default main addressee is configured in the Worktype. If you would like to change the Main addressee for a letter though, you can do it by clicking the button called ‘Main’.
The reason for identifying the main contact serves two purposes:
▪ When the AutoPrint functionality is used, the document printed will be the one referring to the main contact. For example, to register a copy of the document with the patient file.

The electronic distribution can be configured to send out one or multiple versions of the message. If the mechanism is set to send out only one, the content of the message will also point to the main addressee.
A department related contact list holds all manually added contacts, besides the contacts available for the currently opened document. All members of the same department can modify these contacts.

The screenshot above shows two address books. The first tab shows the contacts that are linked based on the appointment and the second tab shows all addressees that are created by users of the department.
The ‘Contacts from appointment’ tab shows all addresses that are linked to this appointment and which will by default receive information based on the appointment. The following information is shown:
▪ The first column shows if the person is marked as an addressee for this document
▪ EDT: Electronic Document Trigger, which means that the addressee is able to receive a digital copy of the appointment and a personalised message will be sent out for this addressee. If EDT is not set the addressee is not valid for electronic distribution and a hardcopy can be printed
▪ Type
▪ Name
▪ Address
▪ Email
▪ Phone number

Manually creating addressees

On the second tab ‘Contacts for department …’ you are able to create your own contacts in case they are missing or were not prefilled by the appointment data. If you choose ‘Add’, a new screen will appear which enables you to enter the contact details. Existing addressees can be modified by clicking ‘Edit’.

Besides the contact related information, it is possible to register tags, of your own preference, to allow easy filtering within the contact overview. Examples of these tags are other departments like ‘oncology’ or ‘radiology’ or different insurance companies.
The fields presenting a red cross are mandatory fields and one of these need to be filled out in order to ‘Save’ the addressee. The contact will be linked to the document by checking the box in front of the contact after saving. To define a contact for Electronic Distribution you can tick the EDT checkbox.

Using addressee information in documents

The selected addressees can be shown in the document by using a template with merge fields. Merge fields added to a template are similar to document variables. There are a set of merge fields available to represent the addressee information within a document. For the available set of merge fields please see the Document Variables documentation.
When a document is based on a template with merge fields, it is possible to switch between versions of a document and show the different contacts.

By clicking the addressees from the list, the merge fields are filled with the related contact information and the fields will be prefilled with this information. This way different versions of each document can be presented on the screen.

CC addressee visibility

To present as much information as possible about cc addresses in a document, for each CC address the following

information is available:
There is also a standard format available to present the CC addresses in. Here you can define the number of columns, style and presented information. (use the Alt-F9 button to show the code behind it)

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  1. Rob Olijve

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