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EN - SpeechReport Client - The use of templates

The use of templates

Templates can be used by authors and secretaries. The templates have to be set up in the SpeechReport Admin application and can be linked to a Worktype. A template contains the formatting of your document. Patient data and other pre-set data can be shown in the template.

While creating a “Text” or “Recognition” document, a Worktype is assigned. A template can be linked to this specific Worktype. If no template is linked, then a blank screen appears. If a template is indeed linked, then that template will be shown.
It is possible to click an arrow at the top-right of the document to show a pop-up menu to change editor settings such as font and font size. This is not available for plain text view.

Opening the pop-up menu

Editing the font settings in your template

You are now able to:
• Use the clipboard: cut, copy & paste text
• Edit: Undo: cancel the previous action. Redo: re-enable the cancelled action
• Font: set font and font size, settings and highlights
• Print: print your document
• Linked information: Unlink: Unlinks the patient details. Link: Link a patient based on patient id or appointment id
For the author, it is possible to add text to the template or to dictate text, depending on the chosen document type. The method for adding text and/or dictating does not differ from the method where no template is chosen, and has been described in earlier sections of this manual.
If an author creates a document with a template and forwards it to transcription, then the template appears in transcription depending on the displays selected.
The transcriptionist can modify the fixed, added and dictated texts.
If the transcriptionist opens a “digital document” with a template, then the cursor flashes at a defined position (entry point), and the transcriptionist can enter the text at this point. If the “digital document” has gone through recognition, then at this point the recognised text will be added automatically and the transcriptionist has the ability to correct the text. In a digital document it is also possible to change the template.

Choose files or drag and drop files
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  1. Rob Olijve

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