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EN - SpeechReport Client - New Dictation

New dictation

To create a new document, you can click “New document” at the top left of the screen.
A new window opens, where you can enter the document properties such as “Title”, “Document Type”, “Workflow”, “Worktype”, “Clinic Date” and “Patient ID”.
The Patient ID field is not required; you can leave it blank and still create your document.

Patient ID
If you type a Patient ID, SpeechReport will automatically check if it matches the data that was sent to us by your patient information system.
If it is not an exact match, the following notification will pop up.

Error message indicating the Appointment ID is unknown

Window where you can enter the document properties

Dialog showing patients that match the provided identifier in this example the patient appears twice in our system

You can give your new document a title. If you do not fill out this field, the system will create a title for your document. This will be a combination of your user name and the date and time at which you create the document.
Document type
In document type you can choose from the following options:
▪ Digital document: you can record your document, which will then be forwarded to your transcriptionist or transcription service for further processing;
▪ Text: in this mode you can only enter text and forward it;
▪ Word document: you can dictate in an MS Word document, after which you can forward the document for further processing;
▪ Recognition: you can dictate using speech recognition to create your document.

To set the Worktype for the document.
To set the the template of the document.
When automatic template selection is set up for the worktype, this will be set to ‘automatic selection’.
When the template is fixated (when the Disallow changing the template at document creation’ is checked for the worktype in admin), this background of the combobox will be grayed out and there is no drop down option, to indicate that this cannot be changed by the author.
See image below for an illustration of both automatic selection and a fixated fallback template

Clinic date
Presents the date that is used as the creation date for the document. The system date is shown here.
Patient ID
It is possible to create a document from the “Clinical” work list. The document will then be given a “Patient ID”.
Please choose the correct workflow for the document.
Please choose the dictionary/department that should be assigned to the document
A document can be assigned to a specific supervisor. This might be needed when a junior doctor or registrar wants to signoff a document but needs supervision for a senior member of staff. When a document is made, a supervisor can be selected.

Choose files or drag and drop files
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  1. Rob Olijve

  2. Posted
  3. Updated
