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EN - SpeechReport Client - Set manual Addendum or rectification

Set manual Addendum or rectification.

When a site is migrated from MediSpeech to SpeechReport, no previous documents are available. The documents from MediSpeech cannot be migrated into the SpeechReport platform. To create an addendum or rectification, there needs to be an authorised document to base this addendum or rectification on. As there are no former documents from MediSpeech, this means that no addendum or rectifications can be created. In Administration, a role-based-right has been introduced, which offers the opportunity to search for related documents on which to base addendum or rectification if nothing is available.

The correction button shows the available documents on which to base an addendum or rectification, by selecting the addendum linked to this document. By default, an addendum is created but the Client offers the option to change this to a rectification.

If no document is found on which to base the addendum on, the document can be set as ‘linked to an external document’ which means that there is a document available in an external system but not known within SpeechReport.

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  1. Rob Olijve

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