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EN - SpeechReport Client - Pathology

Pathology specific

Diagnose Rule Control

In pathology reports the Diagnose Rule Control (DRC) is used at the end of every report. There can be multiple DRCs per report. For example, we will take a cervixbiopt/excision and an endometrium biopt/curettages. Diagnose Rule 1 can consist of topography, findings of surgery, histologic findings and other findings. These variables are segregated by ‘*’.
Diag1: Topography * Findings of surgery * Histologic findings * Other findings.
Multiple diagnosis rules can be present in the same report. This can be managed in administration module. A diagnose rule can be seen as a category.
If the DRC fails, it is not possible to finish your document and you will be warned when the document is sent through to the next transition.
Please make sure that there are asterisk signs between the different components or the diagnose rules in order for it to work.


Categories can be configured by your system administrator. Categories that are recognised will become blue as seen below. When the name of a category is seen but not recognised as being a category, the system will warn you by highlighting the word in orange. Placing a ‘:’ after a category name makes sure that the word is recognised as a category. Macroscopy, in this example, will be recognised as being a category.

Available Categories are shown on the right tab

Relate a new document to a sample ID

When a new document is launched, SpeechReport offers the ability to manually couple it to a Sample ID.

Couple Sample ID to document

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  1. Rob Olijve

  2. Posted
  3. Updated
