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EN - SpeechReport Client - Document with Speech Recognition

Document with speech recognition

Within this section of the document is described how to create a document with speech recognition. This means that the words you speak are converted directly to written text by the speech recognition engine and the text will appear on your screen immediately.
Click “New document”. A new window will open. In this window you can enter the document properties. Under “Document type”, choose “Recognition”. You can then enter the document properties. Once you have finished, click “OK”.
The title of the document is then shown in the tab at the top left of the screen. In the document window you can dictate.

Document window

The audio recorder has been enabled

Recording audio

By clicking the record button on the SpeechMike or by clicking the record button in the application, the recording of your dictation starts. You will then see that the document window has acquired a red border. This means that the recorder is enabled, and you can now dictate text.

The words you speak are converted directly to written text by the speech recognition engine. It is possible to listen to the recognised text again and/or to modify it manually, using the keyboard.

Recording your document

Choose files or drag and drop files
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  1. Rob Olijve

  2. Posted
  3. Updated
