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EN - SpeechReport Client - Sign Off

Sign Off

As a consultant, you can sign off documents during the sign off phase. The Sign Off occurs after the transcriptionist or transcription service has finished checking and editing the document. It is also possible that the document has been passed on from the ‘review’ phase and needs to be signed off.
The work list for sign off If you are authorised to signing off documents, then you have a button at your disposal to open the “Sign off” work list, as the screen below shows. The work list only shows documents which have a sign off status.
Authors are able to see all documents that are in Sign off. The documents of all authors will be shown. With a quick filter the documents related to a specific author can be filtered. It gives the possibility to check colleague’s documents in case of absence.

An example of a document which has to be signed off

It is also possible to add a recorded instruction or extend an existing one (see 0 Dictation for details about instructions).
After changes have been made please use the right transition tabs on the bottom right-hand side.
Users can now access documents in the sign off module without needing a recording device or playback device attached in the client app. This was an issue seen by many of our customers.
Digital dictation documents can be opened and edited in sign off without a recording device or playback device attached to them. Documents created using speech recognition can be opened but NOT edited in the sign off module when a recording device or playback device is not attached to the client. This functionality is similar to that seen in the mobile application.
Speech recognition documents that require editing will need to be suspended and then accessed with a device attached. This is due to a restriction with RSDK. Recognosco will be providing a fix to this issue in the future at which point we will be able to update this function to allow editing on all document types at sign off.

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  1. Rob Olijve

  2. Posted
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