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EN - SpeechReport Client - Auto Texts

Auto texts

If you use speech recognition in SpeechReport, it is possible to work with auto texts.
You can navigate through the recognised text with speech commands (jump points), and you can automatically add frequently used wording, which we call auto texts. For example, if you say ‘insert medical template’; the system automatically adds the components associated with physical examination such as blood pressure, height and weight if these are defined as an auto text. The auto texts that are available to you will be shown at the right-hand side of the screen. You can insert the auto text by saying the required speech command or by double clicking on it with your mouse pointer.

Example of an auto text

Example of how to use speech commands; insert medical template and vital signs
You can also navigate with your voice to the various components. For example, if you wish to insert the results of a physical examination say ‘Insert medical template’. Suppose you want to enter the blood pressure, then say ‘Blood pressure’ and state the blood pressure. In this example we want to enter a blood pressure of 180 over 90, so we say ‘Blood pressure one hundred eighty over ninety’. By dictating this text, the cursor jumps to the text, so that you can dictate this part without having to use the keyboard.
To find the correct auto text in a large list of auto texts in the Client app, can be a struggle, so we have implemented filtering of auto texts. The filter option is not visible when the auto text is expanded but right-clicking an auto text shows the options and opens a filter box on top.


The filter process is active directly when typing in the filter box. The cross disables the filter process and shows the complete auto text list as configured for this user.

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  1. Rob Olijve

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