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EN - SpeechReport Client - Medication Module

Medication module

When a patient is discharged from the hospital, the GP will receive the patient’s information via a letter. As a part of the discharge process the clinician registers the required medication the patient needs.
SpeechReport Client offer a Medication module to register the required medication. This functionality is a separate module that can be added on the workstation installation. Adding medication will be a manual click action on G2 Client via the ‘Medication’ tab.

If the Medication module is installed, an extra entry appears on the right side of SpeechReport Client giving an overview of the selected medication for this patient. Pressing the ‘Edit’ button opens the module for selection of the necessary medication.
The overview summarizes the selected medication for this patient. Controlled drugs are shown in bold red and need to be thoroughly checked throughout the workflow as these medications can interfere with other diseases, allergies or medicines. These drugs have an exclamation mark to attract extra attention.
The module offers the end user a list of existing medications split by adults or children. For each medication the route, dose, frequency and time-period need to be filled in. Therefore, these fields are set as mandatory fields before you can add the medication. The screen below gives an impression of the medication module.
There is also the ability to enter an unknown drug manually. These are not saved in the drugs list.

▪ Route
A route of is the path by which a drug, fluid, poison, or other substance is taken into the body. Routes are generally classified by the location at which the substance is applied. Common examples include oral and intravenous (into the veins).

▪ Dose
A drug dose is the specific amount or weight of a medication. For example: 500 mg or 20 cc

▪ Frequency
For example: 2 times a day

▪ Days
The number of days the patient needs to take the medication. For example: 7 days.

▪ When runs out
What happens when the patient runs out of medication. For example: ‘More medication via GP or stop medication.

▪ Notes
Extra information can be added.

In general, drugs can be added or deleted from the list and changes can be discarded or saved. When medication is selected and added to the list, the default route, dose, frequency etc. can be still be adjusted by the users.

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  1. Rob Olijve

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