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EN - SpeechReport Client - SpeechReport Appearance

Click “Appearance” in the control panel. In this window you are able to change appearance related settings.
You can change the font and font size. It is also possible to mark keywords that have been previously dictated and appear as text in documents for a specific patient, for example the word “medication”.
The spellchecker can be enabled and in addition, you can configure SpeechReport Client, to be the application on your screen “always on top” or not.

Adding keywords or combinations of words to search for in the patient history, in this example: Medication
The application can be set to user a specific theme which adjusts the brightness of the application.
It can be set to a more grayscale theme or even invert the colours to black. To change the brightness of the client the following themes are available:

The themes can be set within the Client settings and are user based.

Choose files or drag and drop files
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  1. Rob Olijve

  2. Posted
  3. Updated
