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EN - SpeechReport Client - Work List

Work list
To change the settings for the work list, click “Work list” in the control panel.
Next, you will see the screen in which you can change these settings.

Changing settings for the Worklist

Auto start next document
You can set whether you would like to automatically open the next document once you have finished an action. When auto start next document functionality is enabled, the suspended documents will not be auto started thus giving the users liberty to skip them.
Auto switch to minimised view
You can set whether you would like to automatically switch to SpeechReport’s compact display and minimize the application. When this functionality is enabled, once a document is created, the application will switch to minimized view.
Amount of search results
You can set the maximum amount of search results to put less stress on the network bandwidth. Querying a lot of results can potentially have an impact on the network performance which is why we limit this by default.
If you do not modify the settings of the work list, the options above are disabled by default.

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  1. Rob Olijve

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