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G2Mobile – FAQ

G2Mobile - FAQ

Below is a brief description of some of the notifications the app gives, along with some of the reasons why this notification appears

No internet connection available

To fully synchronise the G2 Mobile dictation app with the SpeechReport platform, the app needs internet connection. If the phone does not have internet access or the internet signal is not sufficient, the message: "No internet connection available" is displayed for this purpose. Users can then use the "Try again" button to try whether the internet signal has since been restored.


Server error

The server is (temporarily) unreachable. Possible reasons are: the server is down, there is no internet or, for example, a service is not running. Also, for example, the underlying speechreport service (Windmill service) may have stopped.


Sending fails

Possible reasons for this are:

▪ The internet connection is lost while sending.

▪ For long dictations, the file size may also be larger than allowed on the firewall, for example. To give an indication: For example, a 10-minute dictation is equivalent to approximately: 15 MB for iOS and 30 MB for Android.

While sending dictation, it is better not to close the app. When the dictation is sent, the other buttons in the app are disabled. A progress bar is displayed to show the progress of sending. The app will give a confirmation when the dictation has been sent. It will now appear in the SpeechReport worklists.

If a dictation cannot be sent, it will be saved so that it can be sent again later. This also happens, for example, when the phone shuts down because there is no battery left or another app on the phone crashes and therefore shuts down the phone. If resending fails, one can try restarting the app and it can be tried again.


Cause still not found?

If, based on the previous information, no cause has been found yet, we will have to look in the log file of the phone where the problem occurred to investigate what is going on. 2

To investigate this, we need at least the following data:
In which scenario does it occur?
Is this a one-off or does it happen more often?
Does this happen to all users or some?
Which phone and version app is being used?
Approximately how much time was there between starting the dictation and finally sending it?
Phone log file
The log file can be obtained by the following steps:
1. Open the app and go to the home screen. (If the app immediately asks for fingerprint login, cancel the pop up window and choose Switch user in the top left corner)
2. For username, enter: Admin and quickly click on the g2 logo about 5x to open the logging screen.
3. Choose copy log. You will get a pop up that the log has been copied.

Choose files or drag and drop files
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  1. Rob Olijve

  2. Posted
  3. Updated
