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EN - SpeechReport Client - Structured Reporting

Structured Reporting

When creating a structured report, you have the option to see an output preview, this shows how the finalized letter will look. You can open the output preview by dragging the tab open. If you do not want to see the output preview than you can close the tab. This is also the letter that is sent out through HL7 and what will be printed. This output preview is updated in Realtime so everything that is entered in the structured report will become visible in the output when the template is correctly setup. The position of the output preview tab is remembered so it will stay in the last known position, so when starting a new document, it will still be opened.
You can now print a structured report which can be done from the worklist as bulk printing; through the auto print if installed and configured and from the open document with the print button. When you print the structured report, it will always print the output. So, if an output template is linked this will be printed. If there is no output template linked a default output will be printed.

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  1. Rob Olijve

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