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EN - SpeechReport Client - Sorting and Filtering the Clinical Work List

Sorting and filtering the clinical work list

The work list with appointments can be sorted and filtered. Pre-set filter options are available such as ‘today’, ‘tomorrow’ and the ‘date selection’.


By checking the box above a column, a column can be filtered, for example the name of the author.
It is possible to filter by multiple columns and/or by multiple values within a column.

Sorting the work list

Undoing a filter in the work list
If a filter has been set, it is possible to undo this by right clicking the work list.
Refreshing the work list
You can refresh the work list by right clicking a line from the work list. You then choose “Refresh”. The work list will be refreshed automatically when a document is finished.

Manually refreshing the work list

The work list consists of various columns. By clicking the heading of a column, a column can be sorted in either ascending or descending order.

Making/undoing quick filters
By right-clicking the module you want to create the filter and choosing “Create quick filter”, a quick filter can be created. This can be named according to the users’ convenience. This is useful, for instance, when you want to filter the work list for a specific treatment. For example, to sort the list by all Radiology documents, we name our quick filter “Radiology” and treatment 330U.

Creating a quick filter to sort a list
In our example we want to sort the list for the treatment 330U. Firstly, we create a new quick filter, which we name 330U, on the left-hand side. Then under the “Treatment” tab we indicate that we only want to see that treatment, so we indicate that filtering should only be for “330U”. Then under our quick filter on the left-hand side, only the treatment is shown which has 330U as its characteristic.

Sorting the clinical list by clinic date

Right clicking a quick filter gives two options. You can delete your quick filter, or you can clone one.

Choose files or drag and drop files
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  1. Rob Olijve

  2. Posted
  3. Updated
