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EN - SpeechReport Client - Recording


Click “Recording” in the control panel. This enables a user to configure their recording settings.

Changing audio recording settings

Recording mode
Ability to choose the ‘Insert’ or ‘Truncate’ If you record audio and rewind to a specific part in the recorded file, you can choose to “Insert” audio or to overwrite the audio by pressing “Truncate”.
Recording preview
If you do not want to be distracted with the recognition preview, you can set this setting to ‘Off’. This setting can only be changed if there is no recognition document opened.
Recording device
In this setting you can view the preferred device for audio recording. If multiple devices are connected, you can change the preferred workstation here.
Recording levels
The recording level is set by performing a microphone calibration. If necessary, this can be modified on a scale of 0 to 100%.
Silence detection level
The silence detection level is set by performing a microphone calibration. If necessary, this can be modified on a scale of 0 to 100%. The silence detection level ensures that background noise is not recorded.
Start microphone calibration
Use this button to calibrate or recalibrate the microphone. (Chapter 2.2 calibrating the microphone)

Choose files or drag and drop files
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  1. Rob Olijve

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